Cheats for Pizza Tycoon
First rent a depot, go to it and select meat.
Click on the one-star supplier,
locate the chap who sells the cheapest caviar and buy all his stock.
Now sell the caviar you just bought to another supplier.
Because you don't have a lot of money, you have to buy and sell stock
until your competitor's stock reaches 490 units.
Then wait a day or two and watch the price of fish eggs go from $23 to $97.69.
Then just sell the caviar to your rival to make lots of money.
1: Start a new game, and choose a person with good stats
- money ain't important
2: Loan as much money as possible.
3: Save your character.
To do this, select "disc options", then "save"
- and then "save character"
4: Stop your game.
5: Start a new game, and choose the character you just saved.
Now you have all the money you borrowed, but no loan.
6: Repeat point 2 to 5 as many times as you want
(You cant borrow more money when you've got more
than 100.000.000 dollars)
If you know HEX-codes, open one of your saved games (*.gam)
and find the HEX-point 30 96 3C.
The four coordiates in this point is to be changed to EE EE EE D1.
Now you'll have "a bit" more cash...
Copyright©1998 by Pål Rune Tuv
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